Market Small


Small? What ever happened to thinking big? Well, these days, with so many different channels of communication available to us, big audiences have been broken up into many smaller audiences. Gone are the days of the broad, shotgun approach. Today, the most effective marketing is small and precisely targeted marketing. In our fully interconnected world, a compelling idea can spread quickly. Rather than producing a general message to a wide audience—like TV still does— tailor a specific message to those few who really “get” your brand. Their passion for what you have to offer will generate the kind of attention that can help your brand take off.

At Brand33, we start by identifying a brand’s ideal customer. Its biggest fan. That fan is the source of the future groundswell. Where do they “live”? How do they speak with their friends? Once we feel like we know them, we craft a voice that speaks only to them. We create content that they find remarkable. Then, we make it as easy as possible for them to share it with the world. Sharing is key, which means social media is crucial. Sharing is how ideas spread and trends catch fire.

If the content is relevant and compelling, a small group of enthusiasts will form. With the right cultivation, that group’s enthusiasm will grow into a movement. That’s how phenomena such as Facebook took off. A small group of passionate users began to create a hubbub, and that hubbub began to attract attention as the world wondered what it was all about. A movement was born.

Want to grow your brand? Find its small market and start a movement.

John Diggins
Copywriter Brand 33

Tammy McNair