The Necessity of Video Marketing


In today’s broadband media world, video marketing should no longer be just one element of an overall marketing strategy, it should be central to your plans. Although static print ads, collateral, and outdoor can still be effective, invariably, the eyes of an audience are going to be drawn to dynamic video content much faster than to static content. And the fact is, people much prefer to get information from a video than from an article. According to eMarketer, a private market research company in New York, four times as many consumers would rather watch a video about a product than read about it.

With the current availability of broadband, video is ubiquitous across social media channels, which means if you aren't on board, you’re falling behind. With the many advancements in video technology, both in cameras and in post-production tools, it’s easier and more cost-effective than ever to take advantage of the benefits of video marketing. Here are four key benefits offered by video marketing:

Videos get found

Search engines are typically designed to look for content that has recorded multiple and lengthy page views, and nothing racks those up like video. What’s more, many people initiate their content searches on YouTube, so posting your video there will enhance your search results, as well as views.

Videos get watched

When videos are done right, people are more likely to stay engaged with them versus reading an article, so your message actually gets through to your audience. Plus, the vast majority of viewers find that videos help them in their decision-making process, which means people find them valuable. In other words, the more videos you create, the more value you add.

Videos get shared

Studies have shown that smartphone video consumers share those videos with friends and colleagues. According to Wordstream, “92% of users watching video on mobile will share it with others.” So, getting your audience to share your content is huge. It’s not just free advertising, it’s free customer endorsement.

Videos get results

A compelling video presentation can better influence buying decisions than presenting that same information in text. According to Visually, an online marketing firm, “including video in a landing page can increase your conversion rate by 80%.”

In short, whether you’re converting a visitor into a lead, or a lead into a customer, videos are a good investment.

Video marketing is no longer just for the big brands anymore, it’s for everyone. At Brand 33, we’ve been creating effective video marketing for many of our clients, but particularly for our large insurance and financial services client, Gallagher. Learn more about our video marketing capabilities at:

John Diggins
Copywriter Brand 33

Tammy McNair